Welcome APUSH'ers

Hello AP US History Students of the Summer 2014e,

Many of you are aware that something happened to the blog and posting was disabled. I only just was able to correct the problems with Google this weekend. I have a How to to help those who haven't posted anything, or just need to submit your final comment. Please do so as soon as you can. Deadlines will be extended to Tuesday, August 19th at 10 pm for all the Summer Blog deadlines.

You can access the Help Sheet by Clicking Here.

You need to post comments three different times for your Summer Reading.

Every time you post
, you must include your first and last name-- every time you post (get the idea that your name is important?). Without a name, grades cannot be assigned. Keep in mind that we do not know you by name other than from the legal roster, please put any given names not used in parenthesis).

It is IMPORTANT that you use the username and password included in your Summer Reading packet. (username: mcapush2 password: historyrules)

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Kyla Anderson - The Killer Angels

I chose Killer Angels by Michael Shaara because I had no idea what to read for the assignment and a friend recommended it due to them thinking it sounded interesting. I also really liked the title as people don't describe angels as killers normally, unless you've watched Supernatural, so I thought that was pretty cool. The book definitely is interesting just as I was told and I loved the imagery used to set the scenes and how they showed the thoughts and actions from the view points of both sides of the battle. I can't wait to see the movie and I hope it isn't changed too drastically.

1 comment:

Mcapush said...

Alexis Johnson-
Oh wow I'm also reading the book and I never took into account the contradiction within the title! I hope the movie stays true to the book as well.