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Hello AP US History Students of the Summer 2014e,

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

President Calling


I am commenting on president Nixon. President Nixon was a man of great responsibility. He always made sure he had his teams support and his facts straight. For example, Nixon would make his own search team in the White House and investigate with his team. This amuses me because not all presidents do this and it just proves how unique he is. Also, even though he did not attend an Ivy League school he still made it to the town. This suprised me because most of the other presidents did attend Ivy League schools and attended the number one schools. In addition, when Nixon picked the supreme court canidates he picked them individually to help out each state. This shows how Nixon really cared and had payed specific attention to pick the right canidates. During his presidency Nixon was very smart about keeping the telephones in the White House tapped. He found valuable information especially invloving Kissenger, one of his respected colleagues. The one thing that irritates me about Nixon, is that in his first address about the Watergate Scandal, he sounded absolutely clueless. He knows more about it than he is acting like and I can't figure out if he is just not telling country about it yet or if he was playing stupid. But in the end, I do think Nixon is a good president because he tried so hard to keep whitehouse and the country from this scandal.

Kaitlin Ward

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